Stories for July 2019

Stories for July 2019


Wednesday, July 31

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Sully and Zeke: Changing Office After Election


Registration Underway for Senior Olympics

Volunteers also needed.


Kofi Annan Resigns as Fairfax County NAACP President

Fairfax NAACP issues statement; Sean Perryman assumes presidency.


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Traveling with Pets

Advanced planning is necessary when bringing a pet along on a family vacation.


Tuesday, July 30

Virginia Department of Health Investigating Intestinal Bug

Health Districts in the Region Seeking the Cause of Cyclosporiasis Increase.


Opinion: Commentary: Back-to-School Rituals Cause Stress


Friday, July 26

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‘Sensible Gun Legislation’ Rejected Again

Local activists reaffirm their commitment to gun violence prevention movement.


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Learning Differently at Burke Centre Library

Branch uses toys and performances to promote literacy.


Thursday, July 25

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Springfield Is Looking for a few Good Signs

County revitalization office is working with local officials on new gateway signs.

Sprinfield signs

Wednesday, July 24

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Beating the Heat

Seniors at greater risk for heat-related illnesses


Tuesday, July 23

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Opinion: Commentary: Honoring Molly’s Gift

We are working toward the day that no one dies waiting for an organ.


Opinion: Commentary: National Night Out


Opinion: Commentary: Should Drivers and Taxpayers Spend More for I-66 Express Lanes to Extend the Orange Line?


Monday, July 22

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Free Summer Concerts, Wine Tastings in Fairfax

Evenings on the Ellipse at the Fairfax County Government Center.


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Best of Braddock Honored

Awards recognize contributions of those making the community a better place to live and work.


Saturday, July 20

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Local Students Invited to Japan

The Kakehashi Project invites students on visit to Japan based on Japan Bowl performance.


Wednesday, July 17

Karen Corbett Sanders Elected Fairfax County School Board Chair

Tamara Derenak Kaufax elected Vice Chair.


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Trash Collection Staffing is Tight, Resulting in Cutbacks of Service in Fairfax County

Occasionally, cans go untouched on trash day.


Creating Travel Journals with Children

Helping children capture vacation memories through journaling


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Tight Staffing Creates Cutbacks in Trash Service

Occasionally cans go untouched on trash day.

Trash Collecting

Tuesday, July 16

Opinion: Commentary: Human Trafficking Supply and Demand


Wednesday, July 3

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Burnout at Work

Recognizing the symptoms and strategies for relief.


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Fairfax County Fire Chief John Butler

The road from Liberia to Fairfax County, with vision to regain the reins of an organization bruised by claims of bullying and harassment.


Opinion: Commentary: Mason’s Role in Founding the Nation

Establishing three branches of government, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, and civilian military control were all elements from Virginia’s founding documents.


Tuesday, July 2

Three Area Students Receive National PTA Reflections Award

Three Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) students received awards in the National PTA Reflections arts contest.

Monday, July 1

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Changing the Culture of High School Soccer

Referee Ben Glass Awards $5,000 to 10 teams in Varsity Soccer Sportsmanship Challenge.
